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Tips & Advice for Living with Nighttime Incontinence

Nighttime incontinence in adults, also known as sleep enuresis, can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Whether the issue stems from genetics, hormone imbalance, overactive bladder, medication side effects, or some other health issue, you’re not alone—millions of adults also suffer from sleep incontinence.

Woman Drinking Water

Dealing with incontinence is not ideal, but there are ways to live with it so that you can reduce incidents as much as possible while also staying comfortable:

  • While reducing your fluid intake before bed can be helpful, it’s also important to stay hydrated throughout the day as it keeps your bladder functioning properly.
  • Avoiding spicy foods, citrus fruits, diuretics like coffee and other caffeinated beverages, as well as alcohol can also help control leakage.
  • Kegel exercises are also a great way to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and urethra, and has helped people reduce leakage.
  • Straining when you urinate is a no-no and can stress your urethra and bladder.

Putting these tips into practice can go a long way toward helping lessen the severity of your issue, but you’ll want to also find products to stay dry at night and get a good night’s sleep. Products to think about include mattress pads to protect your mattress, but most importantly, buying absorbent, nighttime underwear will give you back your rest.

Where can you buy incontinence products? You can find adult bladder control underwear at stores, but it may be more convenient to order incontinence products online, where you can also buy them in bulk if desired. Online, you’ll find there’s a wide variety of options, but absorbency, breathability, and fit are key.

For example, some adult underwear to check out includes:

Once you’ve found a product that makes you feel protected, your bed will once again become a haven for a restful, dry sleep.


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